
Monday, June 29, 2020

An Example to Follow

An Example to Follow

By: Michael Pavano

Reflections on the Miracle of the Fish Feeding Four Thousand ...

As Daniel grows, I'm beginning to see and hear little of hints of Daddy. When Daniel and I were playing in the kitchen, lining up all of his animals on the floor which has become his new favorite hobby, Daniel uttered a familiar phrase in our household, "Here we Gope," pronounced just as I spelled it. I noticed that I would say that often sometimes without even realizing it. I guess it's just something I picked up from my father, a silly phrase that went right along with his silly sense of humor that has been passed on to me. 

I realized recently just how much of my father has come to dwell in me. His sense of humor, his desire to give to others, his strong work ethic, his anxiety, and unfortunate desire to please everyone around him. It's amazing how that happens subconsciously. I begin to pick up my father's little traits, which it seems, are being passed on to Daniel as he and I continue to spend more and more time together... 

And right there is the point. It just happens that whoever we spend time with we begin to take in and allow to become a part of us, at least that's how it is for me. I pick up on some of the mannerisms of close friends and I could even begin to see their views of things more clearly which presents a great opportunity and a danger. As a father, both are a part of my everyday reality. 

Every action I take, every word I speak, can and likely will influence Daniel. What kind of example do I want to set for me son? It's something I think about every day. "Here we gope" isn't so bad, but do I lose patience around him too easily, or do I spend too much time on my phone or pace back and forth lost in worry rather than giving that time to him, Brandy, or to God? Or do I say a prayer, even a simple one, in moments of distress or take a deep breathe and show my son that in moments of distress, the best option is to think of others and not yourself? It's inevitable that by spending time with me, he will pick up on these behaviors and imitate them just because we are together. 

Then how important is it for us as Christians to spend as much time with our Lord as we possibly can? That He can and will transform us into Himself. That we can take on his characteristics, His behaviors. His love for others and desire to see the world as His Father wishes to see it, all of his children loving one another as Christ commands. 

"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30

With all that is happening in our world, I can speak for myself, that the more time I spend with Christ, the more I see where I'm coming from and more importantly where Christ can take me. 

This was no more true in my own life than when I was going to Mass daily before going to college. Consuming Christ, His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, every single day was truly life changing, particularly the way I looked at my life. It wasn't about me, it was about the other. That's exactly how Christ lived and died. He lived always looking for the other to love and to show to His Father in Heaven. Then He died as the ultimate sacrifice for sin. What a great example for me to follow! 

Jesus please transform me now and always to be more like You to a world that needs You now more than ever. You are my example to follow at all times in my life. May we spend time together every day even when time is short for even the briefest moments with You can brighten all days with unfailing Light. Let Your light shine on the earth to illuminate the darkness and make way for peace and justice on Earth as it is in Heaven. Amen! 

We Are His Sheep: The Good Shepherd

We Are His Sheep: The Good Shepherd John 10: 1-15 " Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but cli...