Give me Jesus: The Great Physician
Written by: Michael Pavano
We all have wounds. We all have a void to fill. Something in our lives has left us feeling weak or even broken at one point or another. Hurtful words, physical abuse, betrayals, failures, and breakups only to name a few are some of the ways that we have been wounded. There are also mental illnesses and physical illnesses which some of us have been born with. There is not one person on this Earth who has not be wounded in some way, so remember that you are never alone in your suffering. We all have wounds. We all have a void to fill.
The first question we ask is how do we deal with these wounds? How do we go about our daily lives when the past torments us and hurts us? Each of us has a vice, something we use to numb the pain. Alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, Youtube, Netflix, the list can go on forever. We spend so much time with each of these things before ever asking the right question, how do we heal and who will heal us?
Jesus- The Great Physician
The first question we ask is how do we deal with these wounds? How do we go about our daily lives when the past torments us and hurts us? Each of us has a vice, something we use to numb the pain. Alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, Youtube, Netflix, the list can go on forever. We spend so much time with each of these things before ever asking the right question, how do we heal and who will heal us?
Jesus- The Great Physician
I love the song, Where I Belong. It the was the first Christian song I ever heard. It felt like it really summed up what I wanted my life to be about and how I wanted to live it. My favorite line from the song is, "Take this world, and give me Jesus." The world and everything in it is only temporary. Life with Jesus is forever. We are given more of the world, a new Iphone, a new computer, a new car, or a new house. We get more money and more things, but does it fulfill us? Does it heal that wound or fill that void? For me at least, the answer is no. The problems will still be there. Jesus wants to heal our wounds and set us free.
It's a sad truth that we often know the answer to our struggles but choose not to follow through with it. Jesus is always the answer because He will take us on the journey that heals us. It may be prayer. It may be offering or accepting forgiveness. It may be seeing a therapist or a doctor. It may be an instant healing. Jesus knows the way. We need only follow. Of course, that is easier said than done.
When I was in therapy, my therapist and I talked at length about depression. I asked, why do we choose not to accept help and to stay in our state of pain and suffering? She responded, sometimes we get comfortable sitting in the darkness and are afraid to look beyond to find the light. Jesus is that light, and He will lead us out of the darkness, but we need to allow Him to do this for us even when is uncomfortable and difficult to do.
I can't tell you how many times I've passed by my little prayer closet to go downstairs to grab something to eat when I was feeling anxious keeping in my that I had just eaten and wasn't hungry. There is no greater way to illustrate filling a wound through consumption than using food. I would stuff my face to avoid facing what I was anxious about. Instead of passing that room, I should go in and embrace the hug from the Lord that is there waiting for me.
About a year ago during prayer, I was thinking about how everyone has a void to fill. I've had my own personal experiences with trying to fill this void. I considered how often I have tried to avoid the issue entirely by using my own vices of choice. I realized that attempting to fill the void and numb the pain with the world only lead to pain and captivity, but when I filled it with Jesus it lead to healing and freedom. Then I received the following visions:
When we consume to heal our broken hearts, it leads only to more heartbreak and a larger wound. It also has side effects like greater suffering, loneliness, confusion, and shame among other things. There is also hatred and vengeance that we consume or rather that consumes us. It feels good to get back at the person that hurt us, but it only leads to greater heartbreak and suffering. Only forgiveness which comes from Jesus can heal us.
When we read from Scripture, receive the Eucharist, pray, help others, forgive others, and care for the weak, we are inviting Jesus to work inside of us to heal our wounds and to transform us from the inside out. All of these wonderful actions summon the Holy Spirit to bring the power of God into our wounds providing strength and healing.
May each of us invite Jesus into our hearts to heal our wounds and fill the void that only He can fill.
Our declaration today and always, Give us Jesus!