
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Renewing My Commitment: The Season of Lent

Renewing My Commitment: The Season of Lent

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I often think about Daniel, my son, and how his journey with Christ is only beginning. Born twice in the same day, Daniel was born of flesh and then again of the Holy Spirit. In time, he will come to know the Lord from whom he has come and to whom he now belongs. As he grows older, he will renew that belonging, that commitment in a number of ways: every time he prays and attends mass with his family, every time he receives one the Lord's sacraments, and every time he chooses to love Him in each step and season in his life. This is a journey that we all must take, and one that is perhaps life's most challenging and without a doubt its most rewarding. There is one such season that serves to gear us toward that idea of renewing our commitment to Christ, a season that serves as a great journey within a journey, and a season that reminds us that Christ first committed Himself to us forever when He died on the cross for us, even before we came to know His name. This season is the season of Lent. 

My family knows that Lent is one of my favorite times of the year. It is a time in which we make sacrifices from financial to physical. From giving to the poor, to telling my friends that I will pass on the chicken on Fridays because it is my day to abstain from meat, to making a chosen personal sacrifice that may surprise those around me like choosing to pray rather than go on Youtube, there are many different sacrifices that we make during Lent. But to what purpose do they serve? Self-sacrifice or giving something up for Lent shouldn't be done just for it's own sake or for some secular reason, which is something I had done often when I was younger, but for a far greater reason. We should take something out of our lives that is unnecessary or even that may seem necessary to make more room for Christ in our lives. 

This happens in secular life too. When I made a commitment to Brandy in matrimony, I decided that I would be choosing her over myself and my wants in my life. I would think of her in my decisions, not just once but every day. I remember when we first got together, I told her that I was All In. I truly meant that and I still mean it, and I remember being amazed when I learned that this is the exact phrase she said to Jesus when she gave her life to Him. 

Today, instead of spending most of my time on Youtube, I chose to downgrade my phone, so I could spend more quality time with my son and less time with technology and WatchMojo videos. Even going to the gym, which is beneficial means nothing compared to spending time with my family. I can find other ways to stay physically fit like going for walks with Daniel and Brandy and doing some cardio at home. By removing other things from my life, I am making more room for my family, though it can often be very challenging.

When I choose every Sunday to go to Mass rather than just staying home and playing a video game or choosing something else that is often without meaning or purpose, I am making more room for Christ in my life. By choosing to read the bible daily instead of fantasy novels which are my personal favorites :), I am choosing to enhance my relationship with Christ rather than choosing entertainment. 

These are smaller examples of a much larger picture. Putting Christ first and choosing to commit ourselves to Christ each day, and in each decision we make in life is the key to having a good one. We often think that we know what's best, but truly God does, and He not only knows what's best but dearly wants it for us. I've made many decisions and done a lot that I thought would make me happy. There was a point in my life when I thought I couldn't live without playing video games. There truly was and to this day, it's still a struggle. I want to invest hours in it, but I have not committed myself to video games, I have not committed myself to sexual thoughts or pleasures, I have not committed myself to any television program or series on Youtube, and I have not committed myself to any part of this world. In my baptism, on the day I was Confirmed, on the day I took my vows in Matrimony, I committed myself to God and ultimately to loving Him through my devotion to His teachings, to my spouse, to my future children, and to my Church. 

But that commitment did not end on any one of those days. Baptism is not the end, it's the beginning. Each day I can choose to renew my Love for Christ by choosing to follow Him in word and deed, by choosing to seek forgiveness in the sacrament of Reconciliation, by choosing to get to know Him through reading Scripture and celebrating the Mass, and by choosing to make room in my heart, so that I may forever have a place for Him there that is free from sin, free from unnecessary baggage, and free to Love Him without ceasing just in the same way as He loves me. There is no better time than Lent to take a look at our hearts and to see where we can make room to renew our commitment to Him.

Father, You are our glorious and beloved God, and You are the Great One deserving of all love and devotion. Thank you for choosing me even before You knit me in the womb. Please help me to renew the commitment, the promise made at my Baptism, that I would forever devote myself to You and to Your Will. This is hard Lord and many days I fail. I choose not to pray, or I choose not to love someone desperately in need of it. Please help me to follow You and to answer your call not just during the Lenten Season but each and every day of my life. I love You Lord now and forever. Amen. 

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